Saturday, October 13, 2012

How Do You Get Rid Of Pinworms in Children

How do you get Pinworms?

Pinworms develop as a result of unhygienic habit of not washing hands before having food. They are small worms who resemble to small thread pieces and cause itching in the anus area. Pinworms infect humans only and reside in the intestines. Every school going kid encounters this problem at one time or the other. They can touch another kid infected with pinworm or an object having the eggs of the pinworm.

The eggs of the pinworm’s eggs get on the fingernails and that why it is a good idea to wash the hands regularly. If the food is eaten without washing hands, these eggs go inside the body, by the digestive system. In the small intestine, the eggs hatch and the pinworms move towards the large intestine. There, they cling onto the walls of the intestine and stay there for few weeks to mature. After that the female pinworms go towards large intestine’s end to lay eggs near the anus region. Usually the eggs are laid at night and that is the time when the area itches. It takes one to two months time period after the consumption of the eggs, for the maturing of the pinworms who lay new eggs. The eggs get hatched on the anus’s skin and the baby pinworms will crawl inside the body in order to grow.

Are Pinworms contagious?

Pinworms eggs are found anywhere like on the kitchen counter, school desk or bed. They are also found on utensils, clothes and towels. When outside the human body, the eggs can live up to two weeks. Within that time period when they are touched, there is a chance to enter the human body and flourish. Pinworms are contagious and can spread from one human to another. Also they can spread by air as the eggs are lightweight and the wind can blow them and they can be breathed in or swallowed by anyone. The child can intake more eggs when he scratches his bottom and doesn’t wash his/her hands immediately.

How do the Pinworms look like?

Children infected with pinworms can see worms in their stool after they pass and even on the underwear. The worms look like small white threads. But the eggs aren’t visible to the naked eyes. If the child observes these symptoms he/she should inform the adults about the condition. The itching caused by pinworms can be so bad that it can wake the child in the middle of the night and make him/her squirm.

The doctors usually prescribe some medicine to kill the pinworms. The doctors also take samples from underneath the fingernail and the anus to check for eggs. The medicine will take about two weeks to get rid of the worms completely. If the itching is very irritating and wakes the child in the middle of the night, a cream is prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes other members of the house will also be asked to take the same medicine as a precautionary measure. The parents should wash all the clothes, towels and sheets used by the pinworm infected child.

Top 5 Best Medicine To Get Rid Of Pinworms In Children?

1. Pin-X Chewable Tablets - 12 Each

Pin X is used to eliminate pinworms inside the body. It is particularly appeals to children two to twelve years old, who most often contract pinworms.

It is recommended that all family members and even children's playmates be treated.
Pinworm eggs become infective soon after being deposited on the skin by the adult female pinworm.

You can purchase it from $12.94 (new) at here.

2. Reese's Pinworm Medicine, Full Prescription Strength, 1 oz.

Reeses pinworm medicine full prescription strength liquid easily eliminate pinworm infection. It's pyrantel pamoate suspension.

This product contains 4 mg of sodium per teaspoon. Reese has broadened its line of Pinworm treatment products with the introduction.

You can purchase it from $6.49 (new) at here.

3. Pin-X Pinworm Treatment 2 fl oz (60 ml)

PinX Pinworm Treatment is a Child resistant cap, Safe and economical,Pleasant caramel taste.

It is single dose effectiveness. It is safe and economical, Pleasant caramel taste
Child resistant cap.

You can purchase it from $10.89 (new) at here.

4. Now Foods Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2-Ounce

This powerful extract is derived from the hulls of green black walnuts, and has been used for centuries as an herbal tonic to promote healthy microbial activity.

You can purchase it from $7.45 (new) at here.

5. Parasite Detox X.treme by Absonutrix - Most Advanced Parasite Cleanser 60 capsules

All natural. No side effects. Improves the immune system. Closes the gaps of minerals and vitamins available to the body that are lost during the treatment.

Antioxidant Rich. Anti-inflammatory. All the parasites are cleared with one course of treatment. Effective and cheap compared to other products present in the market.

You can purchase it from $15.94 (new) at here.

What is the best way to deal with Pinworms?

The best way to deal with pinworms is taking precautionary steps in the first place. The child must cultivate a habit of washing hands before eating food, after using the bathroom and after playing outdoors. The fingernails should also be clipped regularly to not to allow eggs depositing there. The eggs also hang onto clothes, so it is a good habit to change underwear daily. And other clothes should be washed after every few days.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Fever In Children

The range of normal body temperature is 36-37ºC (90.8-98.6ºF). Anything over 37.7ºC (100ºF) is a fever, although the height a temperature reaches is not necessarily an accurate reflection of the seriousness of the sickness. A fever is not in itself an illness, but rather is a symptom of other illnesses. Apart from any illness, your child's temperature will reflect the time of day and activity level: after a very strenuous game of football, for example, the temperature could temporarily be over 38ºC (100.4ºF)

Is It Serious?

A temperature of over 37.7ºC (100ºF) is always serious in a baby under six months old. If the temperature remains high, there is also a slight risk of a convulsion occurring.

Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer with ExacTemp Technology

Designed to give you some peace of mind when your child comes down with a fever, the Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer with ExacTemp Technology has all the features you could ever want in a thermometer. Used by more doctors' offices than any other infrared thermometer brand, the Thermoscan features a pre-warmed tip that improves accuracy, a unique guidance system that ensures precise results, and infrared technology that takes your child's temperature in seconds.

You can purchase it from $35.99 (new) at here.

What Should I Do First?
  1. If you suspect that your child has a fever, take his temperature, then check it again 20 minutes later.
  2. Put your child to bed, remove most of his clothing and cover only with a light sheet, even if the room is cool.
  3. Lower a temperature of over 40ºC (104ºF) by sponging your child all over with tepid water (it should be comfortable to the inside of your wrist). To do this, wring out a flannel or sponge in tepid water so that it is still dripping. Starting from the head, and using gentle strokes, sponge the whole of your child's body. Change the flannel or sponge when is feels warm.
  4. Check the temperature every five minutes and stop tepid sponging when it drops to 38ºC (100.4ºF). Never sponge your child with cold water as this will cause his blood vessels to constrict, preventing heat loss and therefore increasing his temperature.
  5. Give paracetamol only if other methods of reducing the fever have failed. Never give aspirin to a child under the age of 12, particularly if he has the symptoms of chickenpox or influenza.
  6. Encourage your child to drink small amounts of fluid at regular intervals to prevent dehydration.

Advil Infants Fever Concentrated Drops White Grape Flavored, 0.5 oz (Pack of 3)

Advil Infants Fever Concentrated Drops is used for ages 6-23 months. Ibuprofen, 50 mg fever reducer/pain reliever (NSAID) per 1.25 ml. Alcohol free. Aches & pains. Lasts up to 8 hours. Dye-free. One dose lasts 6-8 hours. Made in USA. It reduces fever, relieves minor aches and pains due to the common cold, flu, headaches and toothaches.

You can purchase it from $13.99 (new) at here.

Should I Consult A Doctor?

Consult your doctor immediately if your child is under six months old. Consult him immediately if your child has convulsion, has had convulsion in the past, or if they run in the family; if the fever lasts for more than 24 hours; or if you are worried about any of the other symptoms.

What Might Doctor Do?

If the underlying cause is bacterial infection, antibiotics will probably be prescribed. If because it is an ailment like chickenpox, or common cold, then no medication will be given, just advice on how to make your child comfortable.

What Can I Do To Help?
  • Place a cold compress or wet facecloth on your child's forehead.
  • Don't wake your child to take his temperature. Sleep is more important.

Children's Advil Ibuprofen Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever Oral Suspension, Blue Raspberry, 4-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3)

Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever. Ages 2-11 years. Alcohol free. Long Lasting: Up to 8 hours of fever relief. Great Convenience: Long duration means fewer doses needed per day. 100 mg per 5 ml (1 teaspoon).

Reduces fever, relieves minor aches and pains due to the common cold, flu, sore throat, headaches and toothaches. When your child has a high fever, you know what it's like to wait it out. Children's Advil® Suspension temporarily relieves fever fast — even faster than Children's Tylenol®. It lasts longer, too — up to eight hours. And Children's Advil® also relieves aches and pains. Reducing fever below 100°F

You can purchase it from $6.10 (new) at here.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Abdominal Pain in Children

Tummy aches are one of the most frequently complained about problems in children. There are many causes attributed with it, and it is a challenge for the parent or the physician to find out the exact problem. Sometimes the pain requires immediate attention and can also be a case of emergency. The causes can be related to food, infections, poisoning, insect bites, etc.

Bacteria and viruses are responsible in case of abdominal pain due to infections. Gastroenteritis and stomach flu are some of the examples of infections that can cause stomach aches. Gastroenteritis is the inflammation and irritation of stomach and the gastrointestinal passage. Extra care must be taken by travelers, as the food and drinks can be contaminated at new locations and can lead to travelers getting diarrhea. Stomach pain due to viral infections ward off quickly, but bacterial infections demand the intake of antibiotics. In both the cases, some children recover very fast by vomiting and excreting. In case of diarrhea, excess drinking fluids should be given to the kid to avoid dehydration.

Po Chai (Bao Ji Wan) Pills - Herbal Supplement (10 Vials Per Box) - 1 Box

Po Chai Pills are a natural herbal supplement, which have been very popular for more than a century since the Ching Dynasty. They act as anti-diarrheal, anti-emetic and relieves nausea.

You can purchase it from $5.50 (new) at here.

Food related stomach aches can be caused because of food poisoning, gas production, excess food ingestion and food allergies. Problems because of food poisoning are temporary and can cause bloating. Symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and nausea. Usually these symptoms surface within two days of consumption of contaminated food. Depending on the severity chill, fever, bloody stools, or damage to the nervous system can follow. In case of a group of people who consumed the contaminated food, this situation is known as an outbreak. Over two hundred diseases are known to be transmitted via food. Food can be poisoned because of toxic agents or infective agents. Infective agents are parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Toxic agents are uncooked food, exotic foods, and poisonous mushrooms. Food can get contaminated because of handling by unclean workers at the local restaurant, too. Parents should check out the cleanliness and should visit a trusted restaurant.

Particular foods can cause the irritation, such as diary products can cause lactose intolerance. If this is the case, the child is allergic to certain food or drinks and swallowing even a small amount can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, cramping, and skin rash. Since these items are harmless otherwise, such kind of allergic reactions are known as hypersensitivity reaction. Sometimes the symptoms can be life threatening and are known as anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis.

Poisoning can also be due to overdose of medicines and even due to eating non-food stuffs. Insect bites such as black widow spider bite can also lead to pain in the abdomen. It can be accompanied with muscle cramps, weakness, nausea, tremor, vomiting and in severe case it can cause dizziness, faintness, respiratory problems, and chest pain. Also, the heart rate and blood pressure increases.

In very rare cases, abdominal pain can be due to appendicitis. This is a result of blockage and inflammation of tissues. Young kids have a higher rate if complications are considered and should be immediately rushed to the hospital. The pain starts slowly in the abdomen, specifically near the belly button. The pain shifts slowly to the right side of the lower abdomen within a time period of over twenty four hours. Clear symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, fever and loss of appetite.

Diabetes can also be a reason of abdominal pain. Small children usually curl up, cry and express pain through facial expression. Some kids will be reluctant to talk, but the parent should try to get clear explanation of the problem. Along with close monitoring of the symptoms, studying the location of pain, pain duration, nature of vomiting, and urinary problems will help. After that a pediatric should be consulted who can further refer to a gastroenterologist. Until help is reached, the child should be made to relax. Often, lying with face in downward direction can relieve pain due to gas. Incase of vomiting and diarrhea, fluids should be given constantly. Solid food should only be given when the child is comfortable about eating it.

My Tummy Hurts: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Treating Your Child's Stomachaches

Most parents feel insecure about appraising the symptoms, and evaluating the degree of discomfort: all they can see is that their child is in pain. My Tummy Hurts will provide parents and care-givers with a guide devoted to the puzzling and often frightening topic of stomachaches. It will equip them with the ability to ask the right questions, to identify the problem(s), to offer practical advice, and to draw a clearer road map: how to manage common problems and how to recognize the important factors that make the difference between benign forms of pain and those requiring immediate or even urgent medical attention.

My Tummy Hurts will cover the issues and necessary guidelines that play a central role in the health of growing children. It will allow the care-giver to handle the problem with a clear head and factual understanding of the possible triggers for discomfort, discovering the culprits and acting effectively. Taking care of children is a partnership between the caregiver and the healthcare provider. The better the communication is between them, the better the care will be.

You can purchase it from $0.01 (new) at here.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Common Cold in Children

Common Cold is because of upper respiratory system infection due to cold virus. This infection affects parts such as ears, nose and throat. There are about two hundred known viruses which are responsible for common cold, out of which rhinovirus is the most common. Because of this great number of viruses, there isn’t any shot or vaccination available which helps in preventing cold. The best solution to the cold is human body immune system. Majority of a child’s visit to the doctor will be because of cold. According to an estimate, a child catches cold nearly eight times in a year and each time it last up to a week or so.

Sinupret Kids Natural Sinus, Respiratory and Immune Support, 3.38-Ounce Bottle

Recommended by pediatricians the world over and approved by moms who want a safe, trusted, natural remedy for their kids. Sinupret for Kids is a simple and effective solution for your family. 

Sinupret for Kids supports the upper respiratory system, promotes healthy nasal passages and strengthens the immune system. Sinupret has been the subject of multiple randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials for efficacy and safety on more than 3,000 patients and recommended for children ages 2 & up. It does not contain stimulants, caffeine, ephedra or pseudoephedrine. Sinupret has no history of dangerous side effects , Sinupret is cited as safe and effective in several medical journals such as the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Plant Medica, the Pharmacists's Letter for Efficacy and Safety and the American Council Guide to Herbs.

You can purchase it from $8.36 at here. (read the customer reviews)

Cold viruses usually spread by sneeze or cough from the infected person. The wet and slimy substance inside the nose, called mucus, is the carrier of the virus. When a person cough or sneeze, the mucus drops come out of the mouth and when other persons breaths in these droplets they catch cold. Cold can also spread by handling of contaminated stuffs like towel, door knobs, school desk, etc. If a person touches a contaminated towel and then touches his nose or eyes, there is a great chance of getting an infection. Therefore, it is a good habit to wash the hands regularly and keep them germ-free.

The cold viruses have docking points which helps it to stick to the interior of the nose. It then controls the nose’s cell lining and begins to multiply into more viruses. White cells are responsible to fight these viruses inside the nose. They even kill them and finally get victory after seven days. Sneeze and runny nose actually prevent the viruses to affect the rest of the body parts. A person sneezes when the nerves inside the nose detect irritation and take the help of the lungs to push them out by letting out a blast of air through the mouth and the nose. The air, while sneezing, comes out at the speed of hundred miles per hour faster than cars on the road.

Once the child contracts cold viruses, they take two to three days to develop and show symptoms. There are many symptoms of cold. The child becomes cranky. He will complain of headache, blocked nose, cough, sneeze, sore throat, muscle ache, nasal cavity congestion and will become exhausted. Low fever can also accompany, along with body chills. Medicines do not speed up the process of healing as the viruses complete their cycle irrespective of the intake. But they do suppress further growth and make the child feel better.

Cold Relief
Children shouldn’t take any medicines on their own, thinking that it’s just a cold. Parents should supervise the dosage and medicine being taken. And in turn, the parents should follow a doctor’s prescription. Decongestants help to decrease the wise of the swollen nose lining, which makes breathing easier. Antihistamines help to dry the mucus and stops sneezes and runny noses. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be given if the child is experiencing headache and muscle ache.

Hyland's - Sniffles & Sneezes, 125 tablets

Colds are unbearable, but with Hyland's Sniffles 'n Sneezes 4 Kids, Old Man Winter doesn't have to have a hold on children this winter. This all natural, homeopathic medicine offers kids relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of the common cold - from sneezing and sore throat to runny eyes, runny nose and headache. Sniffles 'n Sneezes 4 Kids is formulated especially for children ages 2-12, with an active ingredient proven to shorten the duration of colds by nearly half.

You can purchase it from $4.00 at here. (read the customer reviews)

Home Remedy
At home, parents should give hot food and drink to the child as they help to soothe soar throats and coughs. The heat also clears up the mucus. Chicken soup is an age old remedy for common cold. Steamy showers are another good option as they help with stuffy nose. Itchy eyes, scratchy throat and stuffy throats can also be treated with humidifiers which spray cool and fine mist. They also loosen the mucus. The nose should be blown regularly to let the mucus out of the body. It is a good idea to use disposable tissues instead of regular handkerchiefs. Complete bed rest for a day or two is greatly suggested.

The best precaution that can be taken is eating healthy food and balanced diet so as to strengthen the immune system. The child must exercise regularly in order to stay firm and sleep adequately. Children who are stressed out more frequently are more prone to have cold. Therefore, it is good if the kid takes extra rest and goes to bed early on some days. And when the child is suffering from cold, he should relax and take bed rest as much as possible.

Airborne Effervescent Health Formula, Original Orange, 10 Tablets (Pack of 3)

No. 1 best seller in the USA! 

Airborne® was developed by a school teacher who was sick of getting sick in the classroom. It can be taken 2 ways: at the first sign of a cold symptom, or before entering crowded, potentially germ-infested environments, like airplanes and offices. Airborne's unique natural formula with 17 active ingredients, offers maximum vitamin and herbal support for hours! Plus it contains natural ginger for nausea! 

You can purchase it from $14.00 at here. (read the customer reviews)